Be my guest

[Ooops. After I posted the pictures, I realised it’s not my house yet, so I shouldn’t be posting pictures. I’ve removed them, sorry.]

As I said, the present owners of my new house have found the place they want, so I can make plans.

The kitchen is nice now, but I think I’ll make a few changes. I’ll add overhead cupboards where the fume vent is now and have a slide-out fume extractor underneath. I’ll also add cupboards and bench space where all the pots and pans are, on the right. I don’t think I need access through there – bench space is more important. I may revamp the “breakfast bar” too. Again, bench space around the sink is more important.


The ‘hood, looking north. Coles supermarket in the foreground, shopping street with cafes above it, pub where the sandy-looking thing is on the corner. Marmion Avenue on the left, with a heap more shops. I’d better not identify the house any more than I have, because you never know what burglars will do these days.

I know it’s a long way up, but I’ll be delighted to have visitors, seriously, including overnight stays, or longer. Just give me time to get some decent furniture in.

Oh, to have a comfortable bed again. Two years of sleeping on a sagging single bed on a wire frame base. Getting back to my big bed will be bliss.